Church Groups
The music group was first introduced
into the parish by Father Bremner.
Since then there have been a number
of different instrumentalists and
leaders. Eleanor McGuire, a teacher
at Halyrude School, formed a music
group in school and together they
lead school Masses and on Sunday
morning also, on a variety of
The current group is swelling once
again in number and consists of
guitars, violins, flutes and clarsach.
The musicians play during Mass
every Sunday ably lead by Gerry
Farrell who plans and prepares the
musical liturgy and hymns.
In 2008 the group lost a talented
musician and friend when Vince
Woods passed away. Vince played
in the group for a number of years
and used his talent to compose some
of the music that the group plays at
St Joseph’s Music Group
This group was set up in 1996
with the purpose of repairing and
renewing church vestments and
making hangings.
The members originally comprised:
Angela Baczkowski, Rosemary Bauld,
Irene Campbell, Eileen Doherty,
Anita Flannery, Margaret Irvine, Ruth
McAree, Eileen McVean and Claire
O’Brien. We adopted the name of
Hope Group in the hope that we would
gradually improve our abilities.
Some of our early works include
hangings used at Easter and
Christmas and Fr John Robinson’s
Silver Jubilee Banner. We also
provided the Banner, ‘Jubilate’, which
was included in a local inter-church
The group provided a set of wrought-
iron gates at the front entrance of
the Neighbourhood Centre for the
sake of children’s safety. Also, we
have worked twice with the school
children of Halyrude Primary to create
wonderful pieces for national Quilt
Currently our membership includes
ladies from our parish and other
churches and together we produce
work for St Peter’s Episcopal Church
St Joseph’s Hope Group
s we approach the end of the first decade of the 21st century, we are
still able to participate in a variety of church-based activities and social
activities like picnics at Traquair etc. Hopefully, as we work together towards
the 200 year Jubilee, there will continue to be a variety of spiritual and social
groups operating within the community of Saint Joseph’s.